One thing I want to share is how amazing it is that the Lord is involved in each of our lives. I have had the wonderful opportunity of being over the Health of our missionaries. I must admit that this has been a little overwhelming for me because I have no professional training in this area. I am a mom.....good training and the things I have learned over the years have been so helpful. We have wonderful area Doctors both MD and Mental Health that are on call 24/7 and I can call them at any time to ask questions....and I do. Also, WebMD is very helpful. But the most amazing part is the personal revelation I have been able to receive on behalf of our missionaries. This is real and very incredible to me. There are times I have a missionary call me and I feel at peace and calm and I talk them through their problem like a mom would....other times I feel a real sense of urgency and I know for a fact that I need to have them go and see a doctor. Then there are times I may have a struggling missionary call me and I am able to help them in ways that I know are not coming from me....I feel promptings of what they need or things that may help them. It's amazing! I know that the Lord is watching over His missionaries.
I had a wonderful opportunity to spend some time with the sisters in Suriname. We had lunch together!! |
Leadership Dinner
Sister McGuire |
Elder & Sister Vermeeren |
Elder Karssen & Elder Wall |
Elder Baldwin & Elder Martinsen |
Elder Holthe & Elder Dillworth |
Elder Wardel & Sampson |
President Baird & Elder Somson |
Back row: Elder Millard, Elder Sampson, Elder Karssen, Elder Wall, Elder Garcia, Elder Holthe, Elder Dillworth, Elder Hendrickson, Elder Wardel, Elder Somson
Middle Row: Elder Morales, Elder Smith, Elder Brockbank, Elder Martinsen, Elder Huntsman, Elder Ricks, Elder Baldwin, Elder Seffker, Elder Hollingshead, Elder Newton, Elder Frandsen
Front Row: Elder Vermeeren, Sister Vermeeren, Sister Baird, President Baird, Sister Mergenthaler, Sister McGuire, Sister Orchard
Elder Karssen & Elder Garcia |
Elder Holthe & Elder Sampson |
Elder Martinsen & Elder Wardel |
Elder Frandsen & Elder Smith |
Elder Newton & Elder Millard |
Elder Baldwin, Elder Hendrickson & Elder Brockbank |
Elder Seffker & Elder Dillworth |
Elder Morales & Elder Wall |
Elder Huntsman & Elder Somson |
Elder Huntsman & Elder Somson |
Elder Hollingshead & Elder Ricks |
Sister Mergenthaler, Sister Orchard, Sister McGuire |
Sister Vermeeren
"Working on her Blog!!"
I think when she leaves our parents are going
to have withdrawls..... |
Role play teaching President Baird
A familiar look - President Baird
spends a lot of time on the phone |
Celebrating Birthdays
Elder Karssen, Sister Vermeeren, Elder Dillworth |
President Baird trying to shield the candles from
the air conditioner |
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