Georgetown Guyana
One of the things about Guyana is that the plumbing is very unpredictable. This church, for instance had a water issue (ongoing for a while now). The water was not working inside the building on this day and so in order to flush the toilets you have to go fill a bucket up outside and then bring it in to flush. Not the easiest thing to do, and not all are willing to do it so the bathrooms can become a little "less than inviting". The missionaries were so wonderful. When we arrived they just went right in and started cleaning up the bathrooms without even being asked. And as you can see, they did it with a smile.
I think Elder Christensen preferred his job of
holding the door to "air out the bathroom" while
Elder Hanni did the more intensive work. (I think since
he was one of our "new" Elders they were letting him
"off the hook" a little. |
Elder Hanni got the "dirty work" |
Elder Wells & Elder Allen |
Elder Allen & Elder Wells |
Elder Christensen |
Elder Bigler |
Elder Riter & Elder Kyler
(Whenever President Baird is doing interviews, Elder Riter always brings him a sandwhich (How thoughtful is that?) - His specialty is Peanut butter with Nacho Cheese Dorritos. 😋😏 President Baird said It's not too bad....A combination I never would have thought of and have to say I have not tried yet.....even though Elder Riter was sweet enough to offer me some this time. (We had a big breakfast....maybe next time I'll try it) |
Elder Lewis & Elder White |
Elder Ortega, Elder Sanchez, Elder Fisher |
Elder Raymond & Elder Kyler |
Waiting for Interviews We had Interviews on P-Day this time and these Elders know that President Baird is always behind so they brought a game to play together. One of my favorite things is interacting with the missionaries while they are waiting for their interviews. I love having them share their experiences with me and have heard some absolutely wonderful miracles that have been taking place. It was fun today to see them interacting and having fun with each other. |
This day we had a little accident on the road. Driving is a little crazy in Guyana and sometimes the cars get really close together. Our van's mirror hit the back light of this taxi. The driver was really upset at first but calmed down pretty quickly as the missionaries talked with him.
We drove out to Lindon to visit the Branch President and do a couple of interviews out there. It was about a 1 hour drive from Georgetown
It rained like crazy on our drive and I wanted to capture some of the rain....this wasn't even the worst of it. There were times you couldn't even see out of the window. And then it just "stopped".... wow!
Elder Dover (Well, not Elder anymore but I'm not sure what his first name is)
He recently returned from serving a mission in Baton Rouge Louisiana.
I had a wonderful visit with him. What a remarkable young man.
The street right in front of the Church in Lindon. Lindon is a beautiful, more rural community. I'm so glad we took the time to drive out to see it. |
This is the building where the branch is meeting right now in Lindon. They have outgrown this building so they are in the process of looking for another one to meet in. |
Elder Norton showing off his
hula-hoop skills! |
Elder Gibson trying too! |
Sister Bohne, Sister Tanya Morgan, Sister Baird
Sister Tanya Morgan stopped by Zone conference so that President Baird could set her apart as a full-time missionary. She was on her way to the Airport to start serving her mission in the Barbados Bridgetown mission. |
Back row: Elder McMillian, Riter, Correia, White, Bigler, Allen, Christensen, Hanni, Lopez, Harris, Gibson, Lewis, Bohne
Middle: Avi Bramdeo, Elder Norton, Wells, Batista, Kyler, Sheena Ali-Savory, Dapat, Fisher, Raymond, Sister Bohne & Sister O'Dair
Front: President & Sister Baird, Elder Ortega, Sanchez, Leitch, Andrews, Hill, Pingel,
& Travis Jackson
(Note: Avi, Sheena, and Travis all have mission calls so they are future missionaries that are getting ready to serve so they joined us for zone conference!)
Elder Correia, Elder Batista, Elder Gibson, Elder Kyler, Elder Fisher
Our Elders that are going home this Transfer |
Guyana Leadership Dinner
President Baird and I were doing a little training with the leaders after dinner and talking about ministering "one by one" like the Savior did. He taught how it is so important to listen to the Spirit so that we are teaching to the needs of individuals and not becoming "robotic" as missionaries but rather tools that the Lord can use in building His kingdom. Many of the Elders had not heard Elder Bednar's Song "One by One" so he was letting them hear it here. |