I love this picture!!! Occasionally I get missionaries in action. This is a picture of Guyana missionaries in action!! |
Elder Kennedy & Elder Riter |
Elder Revilla & Elder Ortega |
Elder Wall & Elder Raymond |
Sister Baird & Elder S. Norton |
This is my dear friend Nicola. She took such good care of us at the Marriott.
This was her last day of work there. I'm sure going to miss her. |
Sister Thackarey, Sister James, Elder Bromdeo, Sister Baird, Sister O'Dair
Elder Bromdeo was set apart today as a full-time missionary. He is temporarily assigned to
serve in our mission until his visa comes through. |
Elder Pingel & Elder Andrews |
Elder Leitch & Elder Revilla |
Elder Romero |
Brother Blair - He is preparing for a mission |
Sister O'Dair, Sister Thackeray, Sister Bohne |
Elder Norton, Elder Bigler, Elder Morgan |
Elder Norton, Elder Norton, Elder Bigler, Elder Morgan, Elder McMillian |
Elder Hanni, Elder Riter, Elder Lewis, Elder Chirstensen, Elder Raymond |
Elder Riter & Elder Ortega |
These sweet ladies came from the Ministry of Health and gave us all
pills to help prevent Filiaria. The country of Guyana is doing a campaign to
try to eradicate this disease which is spread by mosquitos. |
Back row: Brother Blair (Preparing for a mission), Elder Bohne, Elder Bromdeo, Elder Hanni, Elder McMillian, Elder Morgen, Elder Buxton, Elder Lewis, Elder Christensen, Elder Riter, Elder Norton, Elder Wells, Elder Raymond, Elder Bigler, Elder Norton, Elder White, Elder Thackeray
Front: President Baird, Sister Baird, Sister Bohne, Elder Depot, Elder Ward, Elder Lopez, Elder Romero, Elder Leitch, Elder Revilla, Elder Sanchez, Elder Ortega, Elder Pingel, Elder Andrews, Sister Thackeray, Sister O'Dair, Elder O'Dair
Elder Depot |

All "squeezed in" for the ride home
Elder McMillian and Elder Leitch are in the back. I just want to share a miracle that they shared with me. During District Conference President Baird told all the members that while he was speaking a name or names would come to their minds. Then as he concluded his talk he asked them to think of the names again. He told them that these were people the Lord was preparing to hear the gospel and it was their responsibility to share it with them. He challenged them to have a goal for a "white Christmas" to bring these people into baptism. One family in the congregation went immediately to the missionaries and shared the name that had come to them. It was their neighbors. The only problem was that their neighbors did not speak English. The missionaries asked what language they spoke. It was Spanish. It just so happened that Elder McMillian is one of our Spanish speaking missionaries and Elder Leitch is as well. That was a miracle in and of itself in English speaking Guyana. As they met with the family and were concluding their lesson the missionaries asked if there was something they could specifically pray for for this family. The father answered, "Yes, please pray that we can become members of your church". The Lord truly is preparing people to hear the message of His restored gospel. We only need to act on the promptings we receive to share it. |
Hanging out in my "comfort zone" while parents were getting temple recommends.

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