Welcoming New Missionaries!!
Back Row: Elder Anderson, Elder Gerrits, President Baird, Sister Baird, Sister Givens, Sister Elmer, Sister Lindberg, Sister Penman, Sister Hatch, Elder Crane, Elder Davis
Front Row: Elder Holman, Elder Wright , Elder Van Damme, Elder Bigelow, Elder Denos
Elder Wright, Elder Anderson, Elder Davis, Elder Denos, Elder Crane, Elder VanDamme, Elder Gerrits, Brother & Sister Newton - Previously Sister Watkins, (she taught this group in the MTC and they came for a visit) Sister Elmer, Sister Hatch, Sister Lindberg,
Sister Penman, Sister Givens
Getting to know each other by playing some games while
waiting for interviews with President Baird
Elder Wright |
Elder Davis |
Elder Crane |
Elder VanDamme |
Elder Anderson |
Elder Gerrits |
Elder Denos |
Sister Elmer |
Sister Hatch |
Sister Lindberg |
Sister Penman |
Sister Given |
Elder & Sister Heiner with Sister Watkin's (Now Newton) parents. |
We were so happy that President and Sister Browne could
join us for New Missionary Orientation.
President Browne is President Baird's 2nd Counselor in the Mission |
President Baird's Brother, Brad and his wife LaWynn
were here for a visit. |
Elder Davis, Elder Anderson, Elder Wright |
Elder Crane & Elder Denos |
Sister Elmer, Sister Penman, Sister Given |
Sister Lindberg, Sister Hatch, Elder VanDamme, Elder Gerritts |
Departing Missionaries......
Elder Andrews & Elder Leitch |
Elder Karssen, Elder Holman, Elder Andrews, Elder Flynn |
LaWynn & Brad |
When we were having our departing devotional, these two said they were "freezing" because
of the air conditioning. Good thing they didn't go to Utah on their mission....lol. I think that I've aclaimatized because I used a blanket too. 😂
Elder Leitch, Elder & Sister Heiner |
Because these two are from our mission, Kyle is their Stake President. So, after
we did all the departing things...He released them and gave them their
certificates. |
Because they were released...we let them go for a swim
in the pool. It was so much fun to watch. They were like
kids at Christmas. Neither had been in a swimming pool
before....just rivers and the ocean. |
Proof that our return missionaries
are so good they can
"walk on water"....lol😉 |

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