We have decided that we like taking the small Guyana Airline planes between Guyana and Suriname....not because they are small planes but because it cuts out A LOT of travel time. On both ends it's only 10 - 15 min to the small airports instead of 1 hour - 1 hour and 45 minutes depending on traffic to the larger airports for both Suriname and Guyana. Also, it is a straight flight of only about 1 hour instead of flying to Trinidad and then connecting to the other country.....which would take us the better part of the day. It's also a much better time of the day. To leave on the flights from the larger airports we would have to leave the hotel at 2 or 3 in the morning to make it to the airport. With Guyana Air we usually leave around noon. I also don't mind the smaller airplanes. We have been used to them between the ABC islands....they fly lower so you often feel like you are on a "sightseeing" tour. President Baird gets a little nervous when it's a single prop airplane....he likes knowing that if one goes out we have a backup. I really don't worry about that too much. I have always taken the approach that we just keep doing our best to take care of ourselves and leave the rest to the Lord. I believe that He is in charge and as we are diligent in keeping our covenants the promise the Lord gave to Joseph Smith in D&C 122:9 also applies to us..."Thy days are known, and thy years shall not be numbered less; therefore, fear not what man can do, for God shall be with you forever and ever."

This is kind of hard to tell, but he's putting his phone up in the window with a GPS on😂 this is "high tech" stuff. |
The small Suriname Airport |
The best part of all of our travel is when we get to meet with our missionaries in all the areas we travel. These are remarkable young men and women that are so willing to serve and bring others unto our Savior, Jesus Christ. Helping them to receive His restored Gospel.
Elder Heimdal, Elder Jackman, Elder Garcia, Elder Keller, Elder Schwinger |
Elder Seffker |
Elder Sampson, Elder Hendrickson |
Elder Garcia & Elder Seffker |
Elder Wall, Elder Holt, Elder Anderson, Elder Millard |
Sister Baird & Sister Tulaga
She FINALLY arrived in our mission after Visa waiting in New Zealand for like 8 months.....she's already half way through her mission. We are so glad to have her here. She will be such an asset to our mission. |
The "Zusters" (that's Dutch for Sister)
Sister Campbell, Sister McGuire, Sister Watkins, Sister Baird, & Sister Tulaga |
Elder Anderson, Elder Wall
Sister Campbell, Sister McGuire, Sister Watkins, Sister Tulaga |
Elder Anderson & Elder Wall |
Sister Tulaga & President Baird |
Sister Woolsey's mom sent her "Snow Balls" in a package so we had a "snow ball fight" in the church hall way 😂😃😏😇
Sister Campbell, Sister Woolsey, Sister McGuire
I'm sure this is how President Baird feels at times. "held captive by all his assignments" but still with a smile on his face!!
This is at the top of the stairs in the Parimaribo building. |
Safety comes first!! The sisters putting on all their safety gear before getting on their bikes..... |
Sister Tulaga, Sister Campbell, Sister Woolsey |
Sister Woolsey, Sister McGuire, Sister Watkins, Sister Campbell, Sister Tulaga |
Elder Dillworth, Elder Jackman, Elder Anderson, Elder Roberts, Elder Dickey, Elder Brown, Sister Woolsey |
Suriname Leadership Dinner --
Elder Anderson, Elder Roberts, Sister Baird, President Baird, Elder Heaps, Elder Dickey, Elder Jackman |
Elder Vermeeren, Elder Dickey, Elder Jackman, Elder Brown, Sister Woolsey, Elder Anderson, Elder Roberts, Sister Baird, President Baird, Sister Vermeeren, Elder Heaps |
Sister Woolsey, Elder Brown, Elder Anderson, Elder Roberts, Elder Jackman, Elder Dickey, Elder Heaps
(Elder Dickey always likes to give me some "far off spacey look.....😂) |
Heading to Church in Wanica! |
Elder Naef, Elder Dillworth, Elder Dickey |
This Beautiful Family blessed their little baby today!! |

The missionaries taught this man and he was really progressing but then had to go to French Guyana and was gone for a really long time. They felt like he had fallen off the face of the earth and they would never see him again but he had told them that he would go to church wherever he was and that he would come back to church when he came back. They really didn't think he would. He took his Book of Mormon with him and read it while he was gone and then just "showed up" at church this day that we were there. He hugged both President Baird and I and he was so happy to be back and in church. He came in bare feet but was holding his Book of Mormon and explained to me how much he loved it and how close it had brought him to Jesus Christ. It was a Joy to see the Light in his eyes. He talked about the hope the gospel is bringing him and how it is changing him. That is truly what the gospel does for people. It's amazing!!! |

Went to Tammenga for Relief Society
Then President Baird had to stay and do Temple Recommends after. |
The Vermeerens gave us a cookbook that they had put together with some of their favorite receipes. They had made one for each of their missionaries. This will truly be a treasured possession for them. The title of the cookbook is, "What's for Dinner, eh?" Because the Vermeerens are from Canada and the missionaries are always teasing them about constantly saying "eh?" |

Elder & Sister Vermeeren's Garage
Spare Bikes for the Missionaries
They really take good care of the missionaries and make sure that they are "up and running" in ALL aspects of missionary work. We are truly blessed to have all the wonderful Senior Couples that we do in our mission. Without them, this mission would not function as well as it does. Senior couples are SO needed ALL over the world. They add such a unique perspective to Service, Love and a maturity and leadership aspect that can only be obtained by them. What a wonderful way to spend your later years of life. On an adventure with your spouse, fully dedicated to serving the Lord and His children. This is WAY more fulfilling than many other things we choose to do and a Prophet of the Lord has said, "As you serve diligently, the Lord will bless your family more than you can".... I know from personally experience that this is true!! My family has truly been abundantly blessed while we have been serving. It's difficult to be away from kids and grand-kids, I couldn't do it if I didn't know with all my heart that this truly is the Lord's work!! |
For Zone Activity on P-Day we went to a Wildlife Refuge called the "Pepper Pots".... We had a wonderful time together..... didn't see much wildlife but we had fun!! (The Vermeerens had told us that they thought it was casual clothes for we felt a little underdressed with the missionaries in their proselyting clothes but it was fine😅)
Elder Garcia, Elder Vermeeren, Elder Keller |
Elder Heimdal & Elder Andrews |
Elder Sampson, Elder Garcia, Sister Woolsey, Elder Holthe, Elder Andrews, Elder Naef, Elder Millard |
Elder Wardel & Elder Andrews |
Elder Roberts, Elder Wardel, Elder Dillworth, Elder Hollingshead, Elder Hendrickson |
Elder Hothe, Elder Wall, Elder Naef, Elder Sampson |
Elder Schwinger, Elder Martinsen, Elder Baldwin |
Sister Vermeeren, Sister Baird, Elder Keller |
Elder Frandsen, Elder Heimdal, Elder Holt |
There's a monkey in this tree, but it's really hard to see in this picture.... |
These "Leaf carrying ants" were some of the most interesting wildlife we saw.
They were quite fun to watch.... |
Elder Brown, President Baird, Elder Millard, Elder Wall |
Elder Jackman, Elder Andrews, Elder Heimdal, Elder Dillworth
(I'm not sure if this is their "cool" look or their "pondering" look.....
some of the Elder's poses really crack me up 😜😂😏) |
Elder Martinsen & Elder Baldwin |
Sister Campbell, Sister Tulaga & Sister Watkins |
Elder Dickey & Elder Millard |
Elder Dickey, President Baird |
President & Sister Baird |
President & Sister Baird |
Elder Wall, Elder Naef, Sister Woolsey, Sister Tulaga, Sister Watkins, Sister Campbell |
Elder Wall & Elder Naef |
Elder Wall, Elder Naef, Elder Sampson
Sister Watkins (Photo bombing them) |
Sister McGuire & Sister Woolsey |
Sister Tulaga & Sister Watkins doing the "Haka" |
Elder Garcia didn't want to be left out of the fun!! |
This was a HUGE Snail....... |
We put a missionary tag next to it to show just how big it was.... |
A tiny Frog.....
Elder Wardel said that his mom would know this was him without even seeing his face....
(I guess he's always loved frogs) |
Sister Vermeeren made "Cinnamon Buns" For our after hike snack. They were very Delicious 😋 |
Elder Anderson, Elder Holt, Elder Somsen, Elder Dillworth |
Elder Hollingshead, Elder Brown, Elder Schwinger |
Sister Baird & Sister Watkins |
Elder Jackman, Elder Martinsen, Elder Baldwin |
Elder Andrews and President Baird Cleaning up some mud we brought onto the patio area. |
Elder Wall Doing a great job of cleaning up....His mother would be proud!!!😉 |
Elder Garcia is "Supervising"...Elder Wall lol😁 |
Sister Woolsey, Sister McGuire, Sister Campbell & Sister Tulaga |
Sister Tulaga, Sister Campbell, Sister McGuire |
Sister Baird & Sister Tulaga |
Sister Vermeeren |

Words of Wisdom from President Baird |
Elder Anderson |
Getting ready to go.......
Elder Wall & Elder Garcia |
Elder Keller & Elder Jackman |
Elder Dickey, Elder Dillworth |
Elder Baldwin |
Elder Naef & Elder Hollingshead |
Elder Wardel, Elder Brown, President Baird, Elder Roberts, Elder Millard |
Elder Heaps |
Elder Somsen |
Suriname Zone Conference
Back row: Elder Wall, Elder Somsen, Elder Millard, Elder Dillworth, Elder Heaps, Elder Sampson, Elder Naef, Elder Garcia, Elder Anderson, Elder Roberts, Elder Hendrickson, Elder Jackman, Elder Holthe
Middle row: Elder Anderson, Elder Dickey, Elder Wardel, Eder Heimdal, Elder Brown, Elder Holt, Elder Swinger, Elder Seffker, Elder Keller, Elder Hollingshead, Elder Frandsen, Elder Baldwin, Elder Martinsen, Elder Vermeeren
Front row: Sister Tulaga, Sister Campbell, Sister Woolsey, President Baird, Sister Baird, Sister Watkins, Sister McGuire, Sister Vermeeren
Elder Keller & Elder Jackman |
Elder Garcia & Elder Schwinger |
Sister Woolsey & Sister Watkins |
Sister Tulaga & Sister Campbell |
Sister McGuire |
Elder Wall, Elder Andrews, Elder Hothe |
Elder Frandsen, Elder Holt, Elder Naef |
Elder Wardel, Elder Somsen, Elder Dillworth |
Elder Sampson |
Elder Hendrickson & Elder Hothe |
Sister & Elder Vermeeren |
Elder Millard |
Elder Hollingshead, Elder Hothe, Elder Wardel, Elder Dillworth Elder Somsen |
Elder Holt, Elder Hollingshead, Elder Hothe, Elder Wardel, Elder Dillworth Elder Somsen |
Elder Heimdal, Elder Baldwin, Elder Martinsen |
Sister Woolsey, Sister McGuire, Elder Roberts, Elder Naef, Elder Hendrickson |
Elder Hendrickson, Elder Holthe, Elder Garcia |
Elder Schwinger, Elder Millard, Elder Frandsen, Elder Holt |
Elder Schwinger, Elder Millard & Sister Watkins |
Elder Seffker, Elder Somsen, Elder Wardel, Elder Hollingshead |
Elder Garcia, Elder Brown, Elder Heaps |
Our beautiful Caterers!
(With a "photo bomb" from Elder Naef) |
Sister & President Baird |
Sister McGuire, Sister Woolsey, Sister Tulaga, Elder Garcia |
Elder Heaps, Elder Roberts |
Elder Hollingshead, Elder Naef, Elder Roberts, Elder Wardel, Elder Brown |
Sister Woolsey & Elder Schwinger Celebrating Birthdays |
Sister Watkins, Sister Campbell, Elder Andrews, Elder Keller
Our Departing Suriname Missionaries This was their Last Zone Conference 😢 |
Elder Seffker, Elder Wall, Elder Garcia, Elder Millard |
Elder & Sister Vermeeren |
Elder Schwinger, Elder Garcia, Elder Dickey, Elder Somsen, Elder Seffker, Elder Sampson |
Sister Baird & Sister Woolsey |
Elder Naef, Elder Wall, Sister Woolsey |
Elder Wall (in the back) Elder Naef, Sister Baird |
Sister Campbell, Sister Watkins, Elder Jackman, Elder Naef, Elder Heaps |
Sister Tulaga, Sister Woolsey, Elder Hollingshead, Elder Naef, Sister McGuire, Elder Dillworth, Elder Dickey |
Return Missionary Fireside
We gathered the return missionaries from Suriname and had a fireside to help encourage them and motivate them to help in the work of spreading the gospel in this beautiful country. We had a few more than this but not all stayed for the food after. We hope to have more each time we come. President Baird and I really enjoy the time we have to spend with the members in each area we travel to. Mingling with the people and listening to their stories about how the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ has changed their lives is powerful. Each time it strengthens my testimony and gives me hope in an ever increasing world of confusion. There is a straight path leading the way back to our Savior. He has prepared the way. We need to share that with others so that they can come with us.
Huge Statues
We passed the very LARGE statues and I had to take a picture.....WOW!! I also loved these boats on the water. It made me think of some of the movies I've seen. We get such a wide variety of cultures, living conditions, scenery, travel, governments, languages, and people in this mission it's incredible. Sometimes I feel like we are in totally different worlds from one end of our mission to the other.
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