Elder Cruickshank & Elder Collier |
Elder Cruickshank is Visa waiting in our mission. He is from Guyana and we are so excited that he gets to serve with us for a while while he waits for his Visa to go to Puerto Rico. I brought him name tags....which he was pretty excited about. He now feels like he's really a missionary. |

Sister Bahadur....we sent this picture to her daughter who going to school at BYU Idaho |
A horse-drawn cart carrying a lot of people. |
Berbice Zone Conference
Back Row: Elder Aydelotte, Elder Lisala, Elder Tu'Avao, Elder Hakaumotu, Elder Ching, Elder Collier, Elder Chase, Elder McBride, Elder Cruickshank, Elder Nelson Front Row: President & Sister Baird, Sister & Elder Lehman |
When we are in Berbice and we want to show a video or something we all "squeeze" into one of the rooms where we can block out the light because I just bring a small projector that needs it to be somewhat dark or you can't really see it. We've just about got it down to a science....we cover the windows with black garbage |
Elder Ching, Elder Lisala, Elder Hakaumotu, Elder Chase
A special Musical number for Zone Conference. |
Elder Tu'Avao & Elder Chase |
Elder Lisala & Elder Hakaumotu |
Elder Ching & Elder Chase |
Elder McBride & Elder Aydelotte |
Elder Cruickshank & Elder Collier |
Sunday was an absolutely gorgeous day... This is the view from the window of the church. |
From the front of the church |
This is the Church Building in Rosignal, Guyana. When Lehmans first came they were worried about the parking, since there are only a couple of spots out front and there is no room on the road to park because it is so narrow. Then when they came to church they realized that they were the only ones with a car that parking issue. 😜 Most of the members walk or get a hired car. |
For P-Day a few of the Elders invited us over to play Settlers of Catan. President Baird and I like any opportunity to be with our missionaries....and this is one of his favorite games. |
Elder Avery & Elder Evans (Elder Evans is also from Guyana...Visa Waiting) |
Elder Smith, Elder Flynn, President Baird, Elder Avery & Elder Evans |
This is Brother and Sister Benn... They help run the office here in Guyana. Brother Benn just got out of the hospital...he has been having some heart problems and doesn't feel great. We sure love these two. |
Elder Smith, Elder Ricks & Elder Hecker |
Elder Flynn Driving the van |
Because our mission is so spread out we have implemented "District video meetings" once a month. This has really helped establish more unity in our mission. The missionaries get to know each other and are able to share ideas and experiences that help to edify and strengthen each other as well. President Baird and I were able to join this District council today.... This group of Guyana missionaries were meeting with the Sisters in BonAire. |
Elder Flynn, Elder Smith, Elder Hecker, President Baird, Elder Evans, Elder Ricks, Elder Densley, Elder Kilala, Elder Avery |
The View from our hotel window. |
Parika -
We drove out to Parika for the day on Thursday with the Bohnes.
We met with the missionaries,
saw the Cruickshanks place and saw where they are currentlyholding church. We are in the process of getting them a newbuilding because where they are meeting right now is just in an openarea in back of a business. I love the variety of buildings that you see in Guyana....anything from small modest shacks to elaborate mansions. And they can be right next toeach other.
Elder Singleton & Elder Stauffer |
This is the home where Sister Cruickshank grew-up and now they are fixing it up to turn it into a bed and breakfast. |
Elder Singleton got a package from home. |
Where they are currently meeting for Church. |
We stopped to grab a bite to eat at Burger King on our way back to the hotel. Elder Bohne had to try on the Crown... suits him....don't you think?😂 |
Missionaries Arriving |
Elder Andrews....this is his last Zone Conference He is from Guyana so we will still be able to see him even after he goes home. |
Back Row: Elder Miranda, Elder Rojo, Elder Kilala, Elder Ward, Elder Flynn, Elder Evans, Elder Smith, Elder Avery, Elder Deppe, Elder Bender, Elder Grey & Elder Singleton Middle Row: Elder Andrews, Elder Densley, Elder Stauffer, Brother Boyce, Elder Ricks, Elder Williams, Elder Sandoval, Elder Laurie, Elder Logan, Elder Hecker, Elder Jaeger, Elder Hale, Elder Leitch Front Row: Elder Bohne, Sister Bohne, President Baird, Sister Baird, Sister Hayes, Elder Hayes |
Elder Rojo & Elder Miranda |
Elder Jaeger & Elder Leitch |
Elder Avery & Elder Evans |
Elder Deppe & Elder Grey |
Elder Laurie & Elder Andrews |
Elder Smith & Elder Flynn |
Elder Kilala & Elder Densley |
Elder Ricks & Elder Hecker |
Elder Stauffer & Elder Singleton |
Elder Logan & Elder Bender |
Elder Williams & Elder Sandoval |
Elder Ward & Elder Hale (not sure what face Elder Hale was pulling but it was on |
Departing Testimonies.....
Really special because we got to hear from our Guyana Elders.....
Elder Evans (Got his visa so he will be headed to the MTC at transfer and then on to Guam) |
Elder Leitch |
Elder Andrews |
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