These were a very special few days. We welcomed a new senior couple into our mission, the Heiners. We had a wonderful gathering of leaders from the ABC islands and our Curacao missionaries - we had a BBQ and visiting at our home. It was really fun to be able to spend some time with them along with some of our senior couples. Then later that evening we went to the airport to welcome our very special guests; Elder & Sister Gonzales from our Area presidency and Elder & Sister Soares one of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles! He was here to dedicate the island of Curacao for the preaching of the gospel, which he did the following day is a special meeting that was held in the evening and attended by many of the branch members. In the dedicatory prayer he blessed that the windows of heaven would be open to this island and that blessings would be poured out upon this people. Than hearts would be softened and doors would be opened to the message of the restored gospel. Earlier in the day we were able to have a missionary meeting with him where he taught us and all the missionaries of our mission (via satellite broadcast to the other countries). What an amazing experience!! One that we will all cherish forever!!
This is a new very dear friend of mine. Ingeborg Zielinski Reni She was the first person from Curacao baptized. She was baptized in Holland and then came back to Curacao and shared the gospel with all that she could. She came back for the dedication of the Island after being away for more than 30 years! We felt so privileged to get to know her. She is very well-known on the island and is a wonderful representative of our Savior and His restored Gospel. She took every opportunity to share her beliefs with others while she has been here. She is amazing!!
President Baird, Brother Jackson, Elder Richards, Elder McBride |
We are so Excited to have Elder and Sister Heiner join us in this mission. They are from our home ward in Heber. They will be replacing the Parrs who are our office couple. |
Our morning walk. This time with the Heiners They are staying with us in the mission home until the Parrs leave. |
President Baird, Elder & Sister Heiner, Elder & Sister Parr, President & Sister Gonzales, President & Sister Yuyes (Both from the ABC district Presidency), President & Sister Albus and their boys (from BonAire)
The Leaders from the different ABC Islands all gathered for the Dedication of the Island of Curacao
Sister & Elder Heiner |
Sister & Elder Parr |
President Perez (Curacao Branch President), Brother Stella, Brother Brown These were the drivers for our special guests. |
Elder Naef and Elder Buxton They gave our welcome gifts to Sister Soares and Sister Gonzales |
The Greeting Committee!!😊 |
We welcomed the Jones back first.
Practicing choir number |
Elder Soares greeting members at the Chapel. |
Dinner At the Mission Home After
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